Sunday, September 16, 2018

Albinism and Psionics

In Broken World, across all species, there is a positive correlation between albinism and psionic potential this is done through the following means.

Albinism could be considered a feat mixed in with a trait and drawbacks. Since it has both pros and cons to it, it counts as a trait only for mechanics purposes. It is a genetic recessive trait in all species.

Albinism (trait) (1st level only)

Your body lacks the ability to produce melanin, leaving your skin/scales/chitin pale white, your hair a bleached white, and your eyes a reddish pink. Though this makes you more susceptible to the ravages of the sun, and your eyes more sensitive to light, your psionic potential is unlocked and heightened.

You gain the Wild Talent feat. If you already have this feat, you instead gain the Psionic Talent feat.

You gain access to feats with the (Albino) descriptor.

At level 5, you gain access to the Psionic body feat. If you have it from another source, you instead may pick any one other psionic or metapsionic feat.

You are sensitive to light, especially sunlight. When making a saving throw against any effect with the [light] descriptor, you receive a -2 to your save. Any light based effect that can Dazzle you for a number of rounds adds 1 round to the effect.

The sun is a constant threat to you. Most albinos avoid direct sunlight, and carefully cover their skin with heavy coverings, and shield their eyes. Any time that you are in direct sunlight for extended periods of time, you must make a fortitude save or become fatigued. You have a -2 to all perception checks in bright sunlight.

Most races see albinism as a strange thing. Though the ophiduans acknowledge the psionic potential of the trait, they still mistrust those that are different in such ways. Most races treat albinos as subjects of pity or even revulsion due to their care to avoid the sun and protect themselves. Albinos receive -2 to charisma based skill checks.

Albino feats