Friday, August 12, 2016

Nation Spotlight: Quesaras


The forested lands around the Quesar mountains have been the homeland of the Elves for millennia. The Ophiduans have records of the Elven people prior to that, speaking of graceful people with angled eyes and pointed ears. The elves settled into the region as the Ophiduans withdrew from the cooler forests for the warmer jungles of the north.

The elves began to settle the region, slowly leaving the forests for the safety of the plains around the base of the Quesar mountains. over time, elven culture branched off into three subcultures that have managed to stay aligned. Elves do not seperate themselves into societies, they consider themselves as one society of people walking different paths.

The elves were almost completely untouched during the breaking, as no natural disasters struck them, and they took no part in the war. Why the dwarves were so completely decimated, and the Elves remained free of divine retribution is something that has puzzled scholars for the last few generations.


Describing Quesaran culture is to describe three distinct subcultures that are slightly blended. It is not unheard of elves to leave their home and instead live amongst on of the other cultures, or to blend the two cultures into one of their own. Elves do not believe in tradition over ones own needs, and the one unifying theme of each culture is the belief that each individual must walk their own path.

The elves slowly split into three distinct groups. First are the Ilthunwé, who are traditionalists that have stuck to ancient ways of tribalism and druidism. They inhabit the Ilthun forest which surrounds the Quesar mountains, and they are the wardens and first line of defence of the Elves. Most outsiders consider them primitive and animalistic, but in reality they have a deep connection with nature and their lands, and are fiercely protective of them.

The second and most numerous group is the Quesaran. These elves have made beautiful towns and cities of the plains that exist in the spaces between the forest and the base of the mountains, as well as carving settlements into the base of the mountains themselves. The Quesaran are the type of elf most commonly encountered outside of Quesaras, and have even begun to spread into the world.

The final group are the Ascetics. They are the smallest in number, and leave high amongst the peaks of the mountain range in the bitter cold, their monasteries carved directly from the stone, hanging over precariously in some instances. The Ascetics have a monastic tradition that has recently been coupled with new psionic influences, and the Ascetics are some of the most gifted and focused psions in the world.

Language and names

The language of the elves is called Queshtallan, a breathy and flowing language, often described as somewhat musical. The Ilthunwé tend to sound more gruff, and the Ascetics tend towards a more soft and breathy accent, but the language is otherwise unchanged between all cultures.

Names are a more complicated affair. You can easily tell the culture an elf was born to by the name they bear, as each subculture has different naming conventions.

The Ilthunwé have given names, tribe names and place names. Their given names are chosen by the tribe, the tribe name is simply the tribe they were born to. The place names are a name chosen by the individual on maturity, denoting a place that holds their spirit, and where their spirit will live in the afterlife.

Quesaran names follow a simpler convention of first name and last name, similar to humans, except the last name comes from the month of their birth or holiday they were born on, rather than being linked to a family.

Ascetic Elves have one name, preceded by a title to denote their progress on the path to enlightenment (represented by their level in certain classes). Those that do not follow the path to enlightenment simply have the title "Follower" in front of their name.

Male Names (Ilthunwe): Alham, Banad, Bhaval, Dhalhev, Eloham, Hamal, Ilehal, Jhaham, Kalehv, Mhanal, Rhaval, Vhalan.

Female Names (Ilthunwe): Anhali, Aelhora, Bhenama, Evhala, Ghellana, Imharim, Jhellesi, Lhiamari, Lhomora, Maharem, Naharem, Yalhalla.

Tribal names: Ashelltara (The broken river people), Ashellmhar (River runners), Callazhatar (Tree singers), Dhomharav (Mourning wanderers), Ellamhash (Warrior Hunters), Holhamah (Stonebringers), Ilvhunara (Dream walkers), Jhamosh (Death bringers), Khovhalla (True-seers), Lonashta (Plains tender), Mharhallash (People of the cave), Ollahar (Knives and bow),  Queshanna (Those who returned), Rahameld (The silent), Yonhllarna (Ever Bonded).

Male Names (Quesaran): Amhan, Bhoshan, Cadhal, Ellanon, Hlan, Hemhan, Ivhanar, Jharosh, Khallam, Ohlam, Queshtam, Rhaniv, Tlanhon, Umar, Zinhav.

Female Names (Quesaran): Amarhaea, Anathae, Beravhae, Dhelvaea, Ellha,  Ghelhraea, Inathae, Jhamhalaea, Lhahrashi, Mhoramaea, Nhairae, Rhinnihalhae, Tlhynhylae, Ynhlavae.

Male Names (Ascetic): Anshou, Barvhanum, Dharmhav, Elhavor, Ghandorhu, Hlanathtar, Ilvunhar, Ishlhunar, Khaaniv, Lhosadan, Mhorovhum, Palhashtar, Rhojonhar, Thlhanthar.

Female Names (Ascetic) Aanhura, Anhavari, Bharvara, Dharmana, Elhomhira, Ghanari, Hlondi, Illhunara, Khelharma, Lasvhani, Nhavhala, Rhanvili, Vhaneera, Zharhamani.