Broken world has a year consisting of 370 days, broken into 12 months of 30 days, with 10 days set aside between certain months. Every three years, an 11th holiday is added to the calendar to keep it in synch with the seasons. The common calendar is the Imperial Standard, which names all 12 months and holidays, but the truth is that it is merely a renaming of the old Ophiduan calendar. The elves also have their own names for each of the months, as well as the holidays. The dwarves for the most part have abandoned their old calendars, adopting the Imperial standard. Most other races has adopted the Imperial standard now out of convenience.
(please note that certain nations may have their own holidays of important dates for them to be determined at a later date.)
The months are broken into six weeks of five days. The days of the weeks are:
The months and holidays are:
Holiday: Leaping: This is the first day of the year, celebrating the first day of spring and the end of winter. It is usually a time of celebration and of making new friends. The Ophiduans call it Mass'hissta, which translates to "Awakening", to represent the end of the cold times of torpor. The elves call it Nahamaea, which translates to "Rebirth", a time when the forest begins to grow.
Month: Dyash: Named after the first Emperor, founder of the Imperium. The first month of the year is traditionally a time that planting of crops begins, as well as the breeding season for most species. The Ophiduans call the time Shess'tissar, which translates to "Quickening" a time that the females of their species might enter the fertile period. The Elven Calender refers to this month as Ahaenan, which translates to "Green Bud", to represent the plants coming back to growth.
Month: Astorus: Named for the Imperial family, this month marks when the Imperial government sits to debate laws and policy. By this time spring is usually in full swing, and the lands light up with growth and greenery. The Ophiduan name for this month is Ha'shassas, which translates roughly to "Shedding", as many Ophiduans make a yearly shedding of a layer of scales that flake off individually throughout the month. The Elves call this month Nayaeam, which means "Open Leaves".
Holiday: Manare: This Holiday takes its name from an ancient Imperial story of a man that pursued his lost love through the world, only to die happy in her arms the moment he found her. It is a time to express love and joy, and often lovers will exchange gifts with each other. The Ophiduans call this day Iss'thissis, which roughly translates to "Day of rest" indicating the day of the year that Ophiduans traditionally ceased any form of work for quiet introspection. For the elves, this is called Ohaemhar, which translates to "Dance of life".
Month: Shennia: This month is named after the wife of the first Emperor. In Umbrachtlan, it is the month that the Penumbral Brotherhood measures the shadow boundaries to determine if their theory that the eclipse is growing in area is correct. The Ophiduan name for this month is Sisp'issias, which means "Hunting", though this is not meant for hunting prey, but for those newly mature to hunt for their purpose in life. The elves refer to this as Ilthunias, and it is a holy month for the Ilthunwe Elves.
Holiday: Sunbeam: This holiday represents the first day of summer, and is the most joyous of the holidays on the Imperial Calender. It is coupled with festivals throughout the Imperium, and the practise has started to spread over the last few decades to other nations and peoples. In contrast, the Ophiduans call this day Iss'ashassas, which translates to "Warm-blooded" and is a call to action for work. The elves refer to it as Mahalem, which means "Sun's kiss", and it is a day of peace.
Month: Invaris: This is the first month of summer, named for Empress Invaria, granddaughter of the first Emperor. It was briefly named Oskas after her father, but their antogonistic relationship is best seen by her renaming of this month after his death. The Ophiduan name for this month is Hass'oshasra, or "Steaming", referring to the time that the jungle begins to warm and become more humid. Lhaerama is the Elven month which means "Butterfly" as the Quesaran Monarch, the largest species, emerge from their chrysalis and take flight in this month.
Holiday: Sandoth: This holiday celebrates the life of the Military hero who subjugated Northire, though now it is an excuse to wear fake military inspired costumes and tell children stories. Most other nations outside the imperium do not celebrate this holiday, merely marking it on the Calendar. For the Ophiduans, this day is Esha'oassas, which translates literally as "Aggression Bite", but indicates a time to tackle challenges that have presented themselves. The Elves call this day Naythaue, and it translates to "Heart eternal" and it is a day of family, friendships and romantic love.
Month: Helion: This month is the hottest month of the year. It is traditionally seen as a month of indolence for the Caliphate of Bax, as in the wastes the heat became unbearable. This tradition has continued despite the abandonment of the wastes. The Ophiduans call this month Orsh'isassa, "The Shade", which is a time that they avoid midday sun. Sehelum is the Elven month which means "The Gleaming", which is taken from the reflected sunlight from the eternally snow covered peaks of the Quesaran mountain ranges.
Holiday: Brightmoon: This holiday is celebrated by a raucous and drunken revelry in most human lands, and other races have adopted this tradition too. The Ophiduan name for this day is Oss'Rushasst, which is "The Mourning" and is a day that the Ophiduan mourn those useful individuals that they have lost. For the Elves, this day is Ehamile, "Beauty" and is a day of art and music.
Holiday: Brightsun: This holiday is an official rest day through most human lands. In Tenchnocticlan, it was a day to honour the Sun deity, but now in Umbrachtlan, it is a solemn day to remind them what their hubris cost them. The Ophiduans call this day Vess'istassa, "Blooding", after a traditional day that hatchlings are given their first live prey. For the elves, this day is Bahelaya, or "Sun dance" and is a joyous celebration of the summer months.
Month: Gostus: Gostus is named after an ancient hero of mythology of the imperium. Gostus was said to have driven the "Scaled ones" from the lands that would later become the Imperium. Ophiduans scoff at this idea, saying that a decline in their population led them to withdraw from their western holdings. The Ophiduan name for this month is Esho'hassasos, "Culling", as this is the month that any eggs that fail to hatch after a decade are left in the sun to either hatch or perish. Elves refer to this month as Ilhorim, "Seeds", to denote when many plants begin to release their seeds.
Holiday: Reaping: This holiday denotes the beginning of Autumn and the harvest season. It is also known as the day of the dead, and a time when malevolent spirits must be warded away with loud noises and masks to confuse them. The ophiduan's have similar traditions for this day, claiming that they originated them. Their word for the day is Liss'oorassra or "Cloaking" and is actually in reference to shielding ones mind from dark thoughts. For the Elves, this day is Ihalilahm, and is a solemn day where resolutions are made to better one's life.
Month: Caldus: This month is a time where harvest season begins, as well as testing crops for dangerous mutations and poisons. It is named for Caldus Tastors, a poet that penned Ode to Astorina, a work extolling the virtues of the Imperium. Ophiduans call this month Kess'ossal, "Gorging" and many Ophiduans that seek to enter torpor begin to gorge themselves to store energy for their inactivity. The elves refer to this month as Oolhanar, which has no direct translation, but roughly translates to "The orange time" which refers to the moment where trees begin to lose their green, and a slight yellowing of the leaves begins.
Month: Veshon: Named for Veshonnia, a high ranking noblewoman who uncovered a plot against the Astori family and subtly maneuvered the plotters into exposing themselves. This month sees harvesting begin in earnest, as well as grain and crop traders busiest season. Ophiduans refer to this as Koss'kassasis, "Sated". For the Elves, it is Hlahlanar ,"The red time", to indicate the leaves turning red and brown.
Holiday: Ascatarre: This holiday is a time when farmers pay taxes in human lands. It is not truly marked by any celebrations by most, though some wealthy and noble families have recently begun to hold private dinners to celebrate their wealth. For the Ophiduans it is Ki'ss'isashla, "Darkness" to indicate when those entering torpor begin to shun the light of day. For the Elves, this day is Tlhahanalath, "Pain and suffering" which is a time to remember the hard times that you have experienced, but also to celebrate getting past them.
Month: Essma: This month is an ancient name according to human historians, but in truth it may be a appropriation of the Ophiduan name of the month Ess'massosis, "The time of preparation". It is so named as those seeking to enter torpor will meditate to prepare their bodies and minds for the slow slide into inactivity. For the Elves This month is named Livhanira "The Falling" when the leaves are shed by the trees and the days shorten and become colder.
Holiday: Sightfrost: This holiday marks the coming of winter. It is a time when the rich traditionally give to the poor, and it can be a mark of status as to who donates the most. It is also a time when children are given small gifts of toys and sweets. For the Ophiduans, they too give gifts to the young. But for them, the gifts during the holiday of Sess'kossasma are tools that may be useful in upcoming studies and careers. The elves give gifts to children also, calling this holiday Mhakhonosh "The giving time".
Month: Nevar: Named for the Nevarra family, an extinct noble line that gave service to the Imperium for centuries. Nevar is a cold month that shows the first signs of frost and the first falls of snow. The ophiduans call this month Siss'missash , "Heating Pit", which is a time the Ophiduans begin to stoke coal fire pits in special heat cabins throughout their cities and settlements. The Elves call this month Shalhevh or "Snowflakes".
Month: Bifrast: This month is named after the sacking of a Hastrix fort Bifraat centuries ago during one of the many wars of independence. It was considered unassailable during the deep winter, but the Astorini convinced a local Archdruid to melt the ice and snow on the path up to the gate, and the wooden fort was burned to the ground. It is the coldest of the months, and even the deserts of the wastes can experience frost and snowfall at times. The Ophiduans call this month Liss'ossmas which translates to "Vigilance", which is a time do guard against the cold, as well as enemies that may attack the Ophiduans who are in torpor. The elves call this Qeulhentha, which means "Avalanche", for this is the time of the year that the high peaks of the Quesaran mountains can shed large avalanches down the mountains.
Month: Welvond: Welvond is named after the myth of the Frost lord Welvond, whom the gods banished to allow the world to flourish. It is a cold month, but it shows the world beginning to warm ever so slightly, as if winter is slowly being banished once again. The Ophiduans call this Res'ssomiss which translates to "Burned", referring to an ancient Ophiduan city that burnt to the ground due to careless tending of the heat pits in the torpor chambers. For the Elves, this month is Roshlhanat or "Gleaming white" and refers to the sun shining off the white snow of the mountains at the end of the winter months.
Holiday: Crouching:This is the final day of the year, and a time that is used to reflect on the year, and to give up on any ill will or grudges. For the Ophiduans, it is Or'sillassasi which means "Final breath", which is not in reference to death, but rather the final deep slow breath during torpor before the body rouses. The elves call this day Tlhanabhaal, which translates to the "Cascade" as the snow begins to melt and rush down from the mountains.
Special holiday: Waiting: This holiday is inserted between Crouching and Leaping every 3 years, and keeps the calendar in synch with the seasons. For humans, this was always a simple marking of the Calendar. However, some have started celebrating it as the birth day of Delan, even though there is little to no evidence that he was born on this day. Ophiduans, displaying practicality, call this day Moh'ssissasserass'aama'sor'hassa, which translates to the phrase "A day added to keep the balance". For the elves, this day is called Ehlha, or "Blessing" for the extra day given to a person in a year.